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What Colors Did You See?

December 22nd, 2014 |

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is getting ready for the upcoming holidays.  I know we have been in full swing here at HBMS.  All our sites have been wonderfully decorated by the Bethlehem Garden Club and we have at least one Christmas tree in each building, called Trees of Christmas Past.  Everyone should come see the festive decorations, and the two new exhibits, A Winter’s Tale and Stars of Bethlehem. So you can see we have definitely been busy here, hence the lack of posting. My apologies!

Sadly with each new exhibit it means the deinstallation of the previous exhibit.  Colors was a lot of fun to curate and it showed everybody just what a wide range of objects we have in the various collections of Historic Bethlehem.

For those that visited this exhibit there was an activity where we asked visitors to look at a few objects and decide what color they would call it.  I finally have the answers and it was really interesting to see the range of color selections.  It really goes to show you that color is as much in the eye of the beholder as beauty is.

Peridot, lime green, sage emerald, spring green, Vaseline yellow, emerald, lime green, yellow-green, citron green, celery.

Peridot, lime green, sage emerald, spring green, Vaseline yellow, emerald, lime green, yellow-green, citron green, celery.

Amber, auburn,copper, brown sugar, gold, brown, the color of syrup, coral, citrine.


Light pink, peach, blush, sand, pink, beige, peach fuzz, pale pink, salmon, light pink salmon, ivory.


Cerulean blue, sky blue, peacock blue, teal, dark sky blue, blue, light blue, periwinkle, azure, parakeet blue, royal blue, bright blue.


Spearmint green, blue green, teal, aqua, green teal, turquoise, green, light blue, kelly blue, cadet blue, aqua blue.

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