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Board of Trustees

Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites is grateful for the dedicated members of our Board of Trustees, who provide leadership, guidance, and support for our organization and carry out our mission of preserving and interpreting our unique history.


Joel C. Rosenfeld

Board of Trustees Chair

Colleen Gilbert


Sheela Donchez


David Thomson


Barbara Hollenbach

Immediate Past Chair

Board of Trustees

Nancy Ahlum

Mary Brown

Mark Connar

Jason Cort

Robert de Beer

Lucinda Dealtrey

Judith Dougherty

Dolly Dyer

Larry Eighmy

Patrick Farrell

Andrea Foucek

Mike Garganta

Leslie Koch

Cynthia K. Kosso

William Lehr

Alan Lowcher

Suzanne Mason

Tanya Mohan

Barry Pell

Maya Polack

Ronald J. Reybitz

Brian Sabol

Judith Savchak

Joe Schomburg

Liz Scofield

Jennifer Van De Voorde

Josh Weaknecht

Susan Willard

Patrick Witmer

Anne Zug

Emeritus Board Members

Peggy Brown

Beall Fowler

Jim Miller

Bruce Palmer

Kenneth Smith

Lois Wells

Jim Whildin

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