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WFMZ 69 News: Things to do: West Reading returns to in-person ‘2nd Friday on the Avenue’

July 10th, 2020 |

Written by Kathy Lauer-Williams for WFMZ

Easton Heritage Day to go virtual

After much discussion between the Greater Easton Development Partnership (GEDP) staff and Easton Mayor Sal Panto, the decision was made to celebrate this year’s Heritage Day virtually on Sunday.

On Heritage Day, Easton celebrates one of the first public readings of the Declaration of Independence, which occurred in Easton on July 8, 1776. Philadelphia and Trenton are the only other two places that can claim to have had a public reading of the document on that day. Reports of the event in Easton record that Robert Levers, the chair of the Committee of Safety and Northampton County’s representative to the Provincial Conference of Committees, read the Declaration of Independence on the steps of the courthouse located in Centre Square, and a parade escorted the new flag to the courthouse.

There will be historic programming on Facebook throughout the day, including a reading of the Declaration of Independence and other content based around the history of Easton. Easton Heritage Day partnered with Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites to use the 1750 Smithy as part of the programming.

Although fireworks will not be held on Sunday, Easton Heritage Day hopes to present them later in the summer.

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