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WFMZ: Historic Bethlehem Museums, Sites receives Bethlehem Historic District Association’s House Tour

February 3rd, 2022 |

Written by Karin Mallett for WFMZ

Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites (HBMS) announced it is a recipient of the Bethlehem Historic District Association’s (BHDA) Holiday House Tour.

Alan Lowcher, Mark Nebbia, and Holly Sachdev from the BHDA presented a check to Barry Pell, Charlene Donchez Mowers, and LoriAnn Wukitsch from HBMS on Tuesday, February 1, at the Gemeinhaus.

The sold-out Holiday House Tour was held on December 11, 2021, welcoming 1200 visitors to the Historic District to step inside ten unique Historic District homes, as well as the Single Sisters and Gemeinhaus (the oldest building in Bethlehem), that were festively decorated for the holidays.

Officials say the house tour raised $30,000 in support of HBMS and the Taking the World Stage campaign. 

Board President Alan Lowcher commented about the partnership, “The Moravian Church Settlement is a central part of our community identity that we want to share with the world. The Bethlehem Historic District Association is honored to help HBMS protect and preserve this historic resource. History worth remembering is history worth preserving.”


For more than 20 years, the BHDA’s Holiday House Tours have welcomed visitors to explore and enjoy the Commonwealth’s first historic district, experience the Moravian Church community, and patronize downtown businesses.

Proceeds from ticket sales and the generous support of local businesses that purchase advertisements in the tour booklet and sponsor individual homes help beautify the streetscape along the sidewalks in the Historic District, officials stated.  

This year, the $35 ticket not only supported the BHDA, but sponsors say it helped fund a grant program for HBMS’ Shutter Restoration Program and their efforts at obtaining World Heritage Site status for Historic Moravian Bethlehem.

Since 2011, the BHDA Board of Directors has approved various grants as incentives to improve the neighborhood within the Historic District. Four Grants are available to all homeowners, who may apply for one grant in each category annually.  The grants are available for street tree trimming and removal, street tree replacement, sidewalk repair, and exterior lighting.

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