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Special Deal on Local Flavor: $20 for 2 Adult Multi-Site Museum Passes. Click here for more information

Our Staff

Schropp Dry Goods Shoppe Hours

10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

All Site Hours

LoriAnn Wukitsch

President & CEO

Dean Altemose

Director of Finance

Victoria Bernard


Marissa Chamberlin

Database Manager

Amanda Duane

Office Manager

Beth Beatty

Special Events Manager

Charlotte Filiciotto

Manager of Programs & Volunteers

Malissa Grimsley

Event Rental/Custom Tour Manager

Lindsey Jancay

Interim Vice President & Managing Director

Brett Peters

Curator of Collections & Exhibitions

Keith Sten

Museum Sites & Education Manager

Jackie Armao

Site Manager of the Colonial Industrial Quarter & Schropp Dry Goods Shoppe

Our Partners


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