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World Heritage Press Inquiries

For any inquiries relating to the World Heritage news, please reach out LoriAnn Wukitsch, President & CEO.

Current overview

2024: On July 26, Moravian Church Settlements was inscribed on the prestigious World Heritage List at the World Heritage Committee meeting in New Delhi, India.

2023: In February, the U.S. Department of Interior submitted the multi-country nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List of historic “Moravian Church Settlements” in Bethlehem, U.S.; Gracehill, Northern Ireland/UK and Herrnhut, Germany. An international panel began a complete review and evaluation of the nomination Dossier.

Bethlehem World Heritage Commission



  • Phillips Armstrong
  • Charles Dent
  • Robert Donchez
  • Jean-Claude Dubacher
  • Tim Fallon
  • Dr. Bryon Grigsby
  • Bruce Haines
  • Dr. Joseph Helble
  • Tony Ianneli
  • Lamont McClure
  • Alex Michaels
  • Mike Perrucci
  • Rev. Janel Rice
  • Dr. Joseph Roy
  • David Shaffer
  • Diane Shaw
  • Dan Soos
  • Congresswoman Susan Wild
  • LoriAnn Wukitsch

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Journey to World Heritage: A Timeline

July 26, 2024
Gemeinhaus exterior

Moravian Church Settlements were inscribed on the prestigious World Heritage List at the World Heritage Committee meeting in New Delhi, India.

February 2023

United States submits multi-national nomination to World Heritage List.


The multi-country Tentative List Form which includes Bethlehem, Gracehill, and Herrnhut was submitted and is now officially on the World Heritage website.

Transnational Working Group meetings were held in Northern Ireland in March and Denmark in July.

November 2021

A Transnational Working Group meeting of the four historic Moravian communities was held in Herrnhut.

October 2021

German Minister Müntefering visits Bethlehem. The four countries agree to work together with the U.S. as the lead on the nomination.

September 2021
1750 Smithy is located just off Main Street in Historic Bethlehem

Representatives from Gracehill, Herrnhut, Christiansfeld and Bethlehem gathered in Bethlehem to sign the Voluntary Association Agreement to jointly prepare the nomination dossier.


Historic Moravian Bethlehem works with representatives of Gracehill, Northern Ireland/UK and Herrnhut, Germany to prepare a transnational, serial nomination to the World Heritage List. This is the first multi-country nomination for the U.S.


The U.S. Tentative List was reviewed and approved by the World Heritage Committee and Historic Moravian Bethlehem is now listed along with the other U.S. sites on the World Heritage website for nomination to the World Heritage List.


Historic Moravian Bethlehem was honored with placement on the US Tentative List for eventual nomination to the World Heritage List.


The Moravian settlement of Christiansfeld, Denmark, founded 30 years after Bethlehem, was inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Daytime picture of the Gemeinhaus

Historic Moravian Bethlehem was designated a National Historic Landmark District, one of eight in Pennsylvania and about 200 in the United States.

1750 Smithy is located just off Main Street in Historic Bethlehem

The journey to international recognition begins.

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Top 10 Things to Know

What is World Heritage and what would inclusion on the UNESCO list mean for the Lehigh Valley and the City of Bethlehem? Here are the Top 10 things you need to know:

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Historic Moravian Bethlehem Story

Learn more about the unique and storied history of Historic Moravian Bethlehem. Our city, located in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, changed the course of our nation and its culture. We invite you to experience more about Bethlehem's rich and fascinating history.

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