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Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites is pleased to open up our historic sites and experiences 7 days a week. Plan your visit today!


Invest in our future

Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites (HBMS) works to preserve 20 historic structures and shares three centuries of local history with the community by telling the stories of the people who made the Lehigh Valley their home. 

Supporting each other was a hallmark of the early Bethlehem settlers. Please be as generous as your circumstances allow and know that every dollar truly makes a difference! Your investment in Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites will impact our region’s quality of life, economic sustainability, and prepare us for our place on the world stage. 

Your donation impact

Ways to give

Build your own gift

Your Donation Impact

Your investment will impact our region’s quality of life, economic sustainability, and place on the world stage. Your donation to HBMS directly impacts the following efforts: 

  • Preservation of the architectural gems that our museums and historic buildings are 
  • Creation and delivery of inspiring education programs for the young and young at heart 
  • Care for our unique collections, artifacts, photographs, and other historical materials 

You can contribute by joining HBMS, making an annual fund gift or supporting a specific HBMS initiative.  We are always happy to talk with you about what you want your giving to accomplish! 

HBMS is a 501(c)3 organization and our EIN is 23-2741808

Supporting each other in times of need was a hallmark of the early Bethlehem settlers. Please be as generous as your circumstance allows and know that every dollar truly makes a difference!

Your investment in Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites will impact our region’s quality of life, economic sustainability, and place on the world stage.

Ways to Give

Become part of the HBMS community as a member and supporter. There are many convenient ways to give including online, by phone, and by mail.

Make a Monthly Gift of $19

For as little as $19 a month, you are able to become a HBMS member!


Give securely through our website at any time.

By Mail

A check can be sent to HBMS at 74 W. Broad St., Suite 310 Bethlehem, PA 18018. 

By Phone

Call 610-882-0450. Our office is open Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We’d be happy to speak with you.

Matching Gifts

Your employer may match your gift to HBMS.  Please complete your employer’s matching gift form and increase the impact of your gift today!  If you’re not sure if your employer offers this benefit, contact your company’s HR department.

Appreciated Securities

You can reduce or even eliminate your federal capital gains taxes by donating appreciated securities or mutual funds that you have held more than one year.  Please let us know the name of the stock or mutual fund you are donating and the number of shares being transferred so that we can record and acknowledge your gift as soon as possible. The value of your gift is based on the fair market value of the securities at the time of the transfer. Please contact Dean Altemose or 610-882-0450.

Gift Planning

You can achieve your own personal financial goals while having a lasting impact on our community and securing your involvement in Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites for years to come.  There are a several gift options that may unlock tax benefits for you.

Examples include:

  • Beneficiary Designations* in your will, life insurance, IRA or other retirement vehicle, US savings bonds, etc.
  • Life Income Gifts
  • Gifts of Stock or Securities
  • Gifts of Unique Assets like real estate, life insurance policies, etc.

*Donors who make a planned gift of any type become members of the Heritage Society

Build Your Own Gift

We’re happy to meet with you and your financial adviser to build a gift that will create the impact you want to see and helps to accomplish your financial goals. To start a discussion, please contact LoriAnn Wukitsch, President & CEO, or Lindsey Jancay, Interim Vice President & Managing Director, You can reach them at 610-882-0450 

New named funds can be established with gifts of $100,000 or more.  There are existing funds that support the operations of Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites as a whole, the Kemerer Museum, the Moravian Museum, and Burnside Plantation that can be supplemented with endowment gifts of smaller amounts.

Please let us know that you have made a planned gift to HBMS. We want to thank you! 

We are happy to discuss the potential donation of objects or items for the collections of Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites. Our decision on whether to accept an artifact are based on relevance, condition, other objects in our collection, and our ability to store and care for it.

Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization. The official registration and financial information of Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Your contribution is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

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