We are incredibly grateful for the donors who have already given to ensure Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites is ready to take the world stage! Thank you.
We have listed donors here who have given $250 or more, but know that we are deeply appreciative of all of the gifts we have received.
$50,000 and Above
- Anonymous (5)
- Hank and Joanne Barnette
- Ms. Barbara J. Bealer and Mr. David Greene
- Office of Senator Bob Casey
- Sandy & Pat Corpora
- County of Northampton
- Walter and Lucinda Dealtrey
- Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Feather
- Margery L. Gotshall Trust
- The Estate of Mr. Luther Hottle, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kelly
- Keystone Savings Foundation
- Bill and Patti Lehr
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marcon
- Mr. and Mrs. James M. Miller, III
- Mr. David Scott Parker
- Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development
- Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
- John & Margaret Post Foundation
- Dr. and Mrs. Joel Rosenfeld
- Bill and Denise Spence
- The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation
- Terry and Jean Theman
- David and Wendy Littner Thomson
- Jennifer and Mark Van De Voorde
- The Estate of John E. Waller
Up to $49,999
- Anonymous (4)
- Nancy and Dale Ahlum
- Air Products
- Altronics Security Systems
- Mr. Richard Angel and Mrs. Gina Angel
- Apex Management
- B. Braun Medical, Inc.
- Mr. Christian Barrett
- Bethlehem Historic District Association
- Donald and Mary Brown
- Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Brown
- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Church
- Mr. Dick Chynoweth and Mrs. Lyn Chynoweth
- City Center Development Corporation
- City of Bethlehem
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Connar
- Dr. Dorothy G. Dologite
- Sheela Donchez
- Mr. Alexander P. Dyer
- Mr. and Mrs. David P. Dyer
- Mr. Patrick Farrell and Mrs. Valerie Johnson
- Anthony and Karen Favinger
- Andrea and Oldrich Foucek
- Maria Frankenfield
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gadomski
- Colleen and Mark Gilbert
- Barbara L. Hollenbach, Esq.
- Just Born Quality Confections
- Dr. Cynthia and Peter Kosso
- James F. Kostecky
- Helen & R.K. Laros Foundation, Inc.
- Lehigh Valley Industrial Park, Inc.
- Mrs. Robert H. Littner
- Ms. Natasha Ljuljic and Mr. Lawrence Ljuljic
- Lowe’s Home Improvement of Bethlehem
- Dr. Charles E. Lyman
- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mason
- Ken and Patti Mohr
- Ms. Cheryl Montero
- Morris Black Designs
- Mortgage America, Inc.
- Charlene and George Mowers
- Estate of Edgar K. Muhlhausen
- National Trust for Historic Preservation
- OraSure Technologies, Inc.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Palmer
- Mr. Barry J. Pell
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perrucci
- PPL Corporation
- Dr. Anthony Urbano and Professor Camille Qualtere
- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rampolla
- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reybitz
- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rij
- Ms. Judy Savchak
- Ms. Elizabeth M. Scofield and Mr. James R. Tanenbaum
- Miss Carol Steager
- Mr. Tom A. Tenges
- Ms. Bernie Tyler
- Victaulic Co.
- Josh and Carrie-Ann Weaknecht
- Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Witmer
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Zimmerman
- Mrs. Anne Zug
Every attempt has been made to ensure this list is correct. Please accept our deepest apologies if an error has been made and contact Marissa Chamberlin at mchamberlin@historicbethlehem.org.