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Over 70,000 artifacts, including many related to Bethlehem’s early Moravians, are in the Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites’ collections. We store our most sensitive objects in our 5,000-square-foot Collections Resource Center at the Kemerer Museum (427 N. New Street, Bethlehem).
Our library and archives are one of the best places to research local history and include:
The library and archives are located at both the Kemerer Museum of Decorative Arts at 427 New Street, and the Luckenbach Mill at 459 Old York Road.
We are happy to assist in any research inquiries, and researchers may schedule a personal consultation to receive help with questions related to a subject or genealogical research.
Historic Bethlehem members receive free access to our archives. Learn how you can enjoy the same benefit by becoming a member today.
Make a gift and share one of your fondest memories of Bethlehem in the comment section of the donation form! Please consider making a contribution today.
We are happy to discuss the potential donation of objects or items for the collections of Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites. Our decision on whether to accept an artifact are based on relevance, condition, other objects in our collection, and our ability to store and care for it.
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